We help Children

Jalia Means

Caring :
We care for Children Compassionately

E Transfer:  [email protected]

Helping with Jalia Means

Care for the body

Feed, clothe, shelter, medical care, groom, family relationship rather than isolation, love……. A child need to belong.

LEARN for the Mind

  • Educate the child so need for schooling, books, pencils, pens, crayons, blocks (different sizes and colours). Art-books, yarns, scissors, lazer-blades, erasers, math books, containers, sharps, protractors, globes, rulers, tape-measures, weights, scales, calculators, laptops, tablets, magnifying glasses. Streams, shiny sparkles, desktops.
  • Train skills how to handle and use hammers, nails, saws, screws, screw drivers, lumber, pipes, welding, metal fabricating, clothes, hair dressing, manicure petty-cure, dressmaking, shop-keeping, baking and cooking, beading, shoe-making and repair, mechanics, farming, office admin, heavy duty equipment operation, masonry, electrical work

BELIEVE for the soul

JAF believes that a child must be guided morally and spiritually. The soul is an important part of a child’s being. It must be properly anchored, in the right believe and moral system for this rescue program to succeed. JAF finds believe in the God of the Bible to be second to none.

THANK YOU for the bus

Recently Completed


We have running water


Dining Hall/Multipurpose Hall

A) Dining Room for Students

B) School Assembly

C) Lecture Hall

D)Music & Drama Performance

E)Entertainment Theatre

F) Worship Center

G) Parents Meeting Hall

H)Wedding Hallbr>

Dining Hall
$45,000 Goal


We are looking for $10, 000 towards 500 Solar Bibles for the Maasai people

Thank you for your donations!!!


Fundraiser for Motherly Love on April 29, 2023, at Riverside Calvary Chapel 20178 96th Ave Langley at 6 pm. Support these amazing Children

Motherly Love fundraiser of April 2024

Organization Causes

Kenya Mission Trip Oct 1-21, 2024
Come touch a life
Come and see God using you!!

We appreciate

Have Any Question

778 241-5036
778 241-5880


Sponsor a Child
Donate to any program you like
Go on a mission trip
Become a partner

Mission is Give for People

Some People Need Help And We Give It!

Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detrax culis ex, nihis in mei. Mei an periculaeuripidis.

Multiple Event & Conference

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat.

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Protect and enhance poverty.